About the Journal

Bulletin of the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca Animal Science and Biotechnologies is a biannual Open Access peer-reviewed journal. It is dedicated at disseminating significant research and original papers (Research Articles), critical reviews (Review Articles) and Short Communications after a rigorous review process in the broad areas of Animal Science and Biotechnologies that can serve the interest of a wide audience of scientists and professionals. The submitted papers should bring a significant contribution to the advancement of knowledge or toward a better understanding of existing animal science, genetics and genetic engineering, technologies in animal breeding, apiculture and sericiculture, aquaculture, animal welfare and food safety, plant and industrial biotechnologies, animal and veterinary biotechnologies, advanced techniques in biotechnologies, molecular biology, and structural biochemistry, genomics and proteomics concepts. The distribution of the material is encouraged with the condition that the authors and the source (abbreviated title Bulletin UASVM Animal Science and Biotechnologies) will be mentioned.

Peer Review Process

The aim of the peer review process is to accept for publication high value scientific articles which bring significant and original contributions in specific topics. The scientific papers, received from the authors from all over the world are subjected to double-blind peer reviewing process by a group of experts, in order to ensure the high-quality standards of the scientific journals published by AcademicPres Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

We are using Open Journal System (OJS) an online system for journal editorial offices to manage the submission and peer-review of articles.

The manuscripts and the Author statement should be uploaded together on the website of the journal. Once you have submitted your manuscript, it will be assigned a unique manuscript ID number, which will allow you to track the status of your submission. The system will send you afterwards an automated email to confirm the reception of your manuscript by the journal editorial office.

The editor evaluates if the manuscript is appropriate for the journal profile. If it is accepted, the article will be sent to at least two independent, anonymous peer-reviewers (who are well-known experts in the field). The reviewers return in maximum 2 weeks their conclusions. Based on the comments of the peer reviewers the editor and the editorial office make a decision: manuscript accepted, accepted with minor/ major revisions or rejected.

Following the review, the accepted articles are uploaded on the authors account including experts’ suggestions and recommendations for improvement, or for revision before final acceptance, respectively. The authors should revise the manuscript in accordance with the referee's comments as soon as possible and upload it back (as a newly submitted manuscript) to the editorial department of the journal. The average time from article submission to publication is approx. 3 months.

In all cases, the Editor will take the final decision and could make some editing modifications in the text (style, arrangement, and language adaptations) before publishing.

Online first allows PDF version of manuscripts that have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of the Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca to be hosted online prior to their inclusion in a final print/online journal volume/issue. This feature allows a continuous publishing.

Each paper published in Bulletin UASVM CN is assigned a DOI number. The online published articles can already be cited using the year of publication and the identification number although they do not have all bibliographical details available.

Author(s), article title, publication year, DOI.

When the final article is assigned to an issue the Online first version will be removed and will appear in the print/online issue of the Bulletin UASVM CN. The date the article was first made available online will be carried over.

ISSN-L 1843-5262

Print ISSN 1843-5262

Electronic ISSN 1843-536X

CXD ROM ISSN 2457-1423


Creative Commons License
The papers published in the journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Publication fee

There are no submission, processing or publication fees charged for this Journal.