The Suitability of New Spring Barley Varieties (Ioana and Dumbrăvița) in the Beer Industry

  • Ioana CRISAN Agricultural Research and Development Station, Turda
  • Florin RUSSU Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda
  • Emilia-Ancuța BOANTA Agricultural College Traian Săvulescu Targu Mures
  • Andreea D. ONA University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca
  • Leon MUNTEAN University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca
Keywords: barley, ?-glucans, beer industry, proteins, starch, brewing quality


The Ioana and Dumbrăvița spring barley varieties are intensive varieties, adapted to soils with high fertility and neutral to slightly alkaline pH. They are analysed in the context of agriculture and the beer industry. The hilly and pre-hilly regions of Transylvania, Moldova, and southern Banat are ideal for growing these varieties, which stand out for their vegetative vigor, good tillering capacity, and large grains, contributing to high agricultural yields. The connection of these varieties to the beer industry is significant due to the chemical composition of the barley grains. The proteins and starch in barley are essential in the malting process, influencing the amount of fermentable sugars and, consequently, the alcohol content of the beer. Beta-glucans, a type of fiber present in barley, affect the foam stability and clarity of the beer, while the minerals and vitamins in barley contribute to yeast health and fermentation efficiency. Thus, the quality of barley grains directly influences the taste, texture and clarity of beer, making these barley varieties essential for the production of high-quality beer.

How to Cite
CRISAN, I., RUSSU, F., BOANTA, E.-A., ONA, A. D. and MUNTEAN, L. (2024) “The Suitability of New Spring Barley Varieties (Ioana and Dumbrăvița) in the Beer Industry”, Hop and Medicinal Plants, 32(1-2), pp. 13-21. doi: 10.15835/hpm.v32i1-2.15016.